Rock Stable Systems

If your organization relies on important on-location computing-related devices or systems, if losing internet means losing money or losing private connection among your locations: RSS provides pre-configured, interwoven locally maintainable systems that both can assume legacy functions and share them among your locations, and provide both local storage and offer everything data-center servers do from web to email to video chat, authentication and staff management– in a high-availability fashion that will keep your locations both running locally and connected even when an internet service or individual systems fail. Migrate existing ‘one of’ systems to a more reliable platform, gain performance, security, control and ROI by RSS delivering ‘data center only’ high availability: from multiple internet connections through web hosting and in-house VPN among your locations. RSS integrates data center class hardware with customized, turn-key pre-configured, integrated best-of-breed software subsystem features. All built to be maintainable with local talent. And “a GUI for everything” from local file/media service, cloud sync, user management, hosting websites and virtual machines, to databases.’

Because we know when time matters, “two is one and one is none” — a small setup starts with 5 very affordable server-class systems in a dishwasher sized cabinet. RSS systems are maintainable by local talent and use readily replaceable parts. Ready to integrate with existing infrastructure or stand alone to support hundreds of users. All capabilities from hosting websites to local enterprise file/cloud sync support remain available when parts fail. Native support for simultaneous internet providers, from fiber to 5G, means the internet is always on — but used when useful, not ‘because cloud’.

It’s not often performance, security, reliability and cost of ownership improve together, yet that’s what RSS’s architecture offers.

RSS was designed to optimize acquisition, installation and operational cost profiles, and supports all popular fixed and mobile devices and operating system vendors. Fully featured as-is, it’s designed so local talent is fully able to extend it as necessary. It’s a platform for your organization.

RSS’s active configuration and management AI, RSSMonitor, is second best to a “Ph.D in everything”; always watching and fixing your organization’s computing setup 24x7x365.

Today’s computer hardware performance/cost marketplace, combined with so many heavily tested software subsystems, makes it cost-effective for RSS to ‘check all the feature, performance and reliability boxes’. With great attention to the simplicity and maintainability needs of a small office (with support for several simultaneous internet service providers, and designed to require only scheduled working-hours repairs/maintenance), RSS scales up to support the administration, cross-domain integration and performance requirements of a multi-location, multi-domain organization.

RSS can be thought of as the connective architecture, foundation, ‘front door’, resource master-plan and operations manager of a very, very carefully curated, trimmed and well-integrated set of the best-of-breed, well accepted and supported subsystem components powering today’s internet. Developed over a period of 10 years, RSS is the result of four prior test designs. While RSS itself represents tens of thousands of developer-hours, it builds upon the hundreds of thousands of developer-hours invested to create, maintain and support the storage and administrative and operating hardware and client-facing software subsystems integrated into RSS. Each of those is documented and referenced as they contribute to the related feature sections within this website’s menus. We are honored and humbled to affirm each of those subsystems was created and is currently maintained by some of the best computer talent across our globe today. Weaving them together into an integrated no-single-point-of-failure whole, testing heavily, rejecting, adding, connecting where needed — it’s ready, today’s RSS. For more about particular capabilities, check out the menu items.

For a quick look, see Getting Started. For a deep dive into each subsystem, see the related menu entry. For ‘big picture’ questions and a backgrounder video intro by RSS’s architect, check out the FAQ.

RSS core belief: When time matters, two is one, and one is none.